-- the official Internet home of the meerkats

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 PAW PRINTS - July 2004

The Voice of Fellow Earthlings' Wildlife Center, Inc.

  Hello to all our extended "Meerkat Mob" family! Summer has arrived in the high desert and the meerkats are reveling in the warm temperatures. This is the meerkats' favorite time of year with its long days and brilliant sunshine. Our little rascals are busy all day long - digging burrows, wrestling, and searching for the "buggy" treats we hide in their enclosures daily.

Jengo strikes his "Sunset Salutation"
pose while Nalo is already snoozing.
© Denise Robertson

Late afternoon is the best time of day for everyone in the summer. The view of the sun setting over the mountains outside our gates is lovely as the meerkats enjoy their delectable "smorgas-bug" dinner and, perhaps, a savory bit of grape or avocado. The scene in the enclosures never ceases to evoke tender feelings for these sweet, engaging animals. The meerkats snuggle with one another, nuzzle each others ears, and enjoy a little "before bedtime" tussling. Soon they begin their daily ritual of facing the last rays of the sun. Sleepy little meerkats yawn as drowsiness overtakes them. The scene makes us smile and realize how lucky we are to be caregivers for these delightful and fanciful creatures.

We have so much to share with you. Many wonderful things have happened and most of those things are because of you who support the work we do. Meerkat Adoptions and Re-Adoptions continue to benefit our wee residents. We are particularly grateful to those who re-adopt and continue their generous support to the meerkats annually. Your re-adoption shows us how dedicated you are to caring for these precious animals. You are a cherished and indispensable part of our endeavor. Thank you for re-adopting!

Our tee-shirt and book orders arrive from meerkat lovers around the world. Plus, our graphic artist extraordinaire, Kristen Perry from Kirkland, Washington is designing our new Fellow Earthlings' poster. Kristen designed our fabulous Adoption Portfolios and Adoption Certificates. Her "Out of Africa" design wowed our Adoptive Parents. Just wait until you see the poster. It'll knock your whiskers off.

Getting the Word Out
Public Relations
  • The Center was featured on the front page of the Hi Desert Star newspaper on July 10, 2004. The headline read "Visit with Meerkats like a Fairy Tale." We couldn't be more pleased with Michelle Willey's article. Thanks, Michelle!
  • Our director, Pam Bennett-Wallberg, was invited to be the guest on John Ostrom's radio talk show "FOCUS" - EZ-103.1. John has a talent for asking all the right questions.
  • Denise Robertson, our volunteer development director, was asked to speak at the Basin Wide Foundation. BWF is dedicated to partnering with non-profit organizations to help them achieve their goals. Denise's speech was so "wildly" popular that many members "adopted" a meerkat "on the spot." Plus, several non-profit organizations invited her to speak to their membership. We are so lucky to have a volunteer who is a dynamic and accomplished speaker. Take a bow, Denise!
  • On June 22, 2004 the American Film Institute televised a two hour special called "The 100 Best Songs in the Last 100 Years." Timon and Pumbaa's signature song "Hakuna Matata" from Disney's movie "The Lion King" made the list.

Fur, Feathers, Paws and Claws
Center News

Scott Jackson, Terra Jackson, and Becky Jackson - Meerkat fans who really "cook".
© Mike Sitzenstock

  • Terra Jackson is known to her family as a confirmed "meerkat fan." So, Scott Jackson's wife, Tanya, surprised her by embroidering the chef hats and coats with meerkats, of course. Tanya and Scott Jackson own the P & D Sewing Centers in Hibbing and Grand Rapids, Minnesota. Very clever, Tanya.
  • As a non-profit wildlife center we don't have funds available to donate to other charitable organizations or animal facilities. So, we have chosen to benefit these worthy causes by donating our Adoption Portfolios to them. The organizations then auction the Adoptions to the highest bidder. The funds from the auctions benefit the organizations and we, in turn, are happy to host the winning bidder and guests at no charge. Each year we provide Adoption Portfolios to The San Diego Zoo and The Living Desert Zoo for their annual fund-raisers. We hope to increase our donations of Adoption Portfolios to other worthy organizations soon. .
  • The baby turtle we found in the pond last year is alive and well.
  • We were asked to contribute information about meerkats for the upcoming television program called "Be the Creature." This delightful series features the Kratt brothers and their search for all that is wild and wonderful. We'll let you know when the program broadcast date is decided.

Cheetah Update

  • The moratorium is still in place. We have been advised that more information will be known by the first of next year. The background information on the Cheetah Project can be found in our online, archived newsletters.

  • Corporate sponsor - Meerkat Group LLC of Columbus, Ohio is a national executive search/research firm that specializes in the healthcare industry. Recently Jim Boyd, the president of Meerkat Group LLC, initiated a program with the Center where for each of his company's completed contracts it adopts a meerkat in their client's name. Jim states, "The program has been very positively received by our clients. We have received numerous calls from clients expressing their appreciation of our adopting a meerkat in their name."
  • Last month our 15 year old animal transport van needed a second new transmission. Ouch! This month it needed a myriad of additional repairs. We took it to Performance Automotive Service Center in Cathedral City, California. Owners Rebecca and Jim Pompoco not only made the needed repairs, but they did the work at a significantly reduced price. We are tremendously grateful to these terrific animal lovers!
  • Matching corporate donations - some of our donors have kindly included paperwork from their employer's "Matching Gifts Program." We are happy to report that the Center has received matching donations from Amgen, Philip Morris, and Pfizer. How wonderful!


Fabulous news! We qualified for a program that will help the animals enormously. Every time you buy food you can benefit the meerkats at NO COST to you. Four percent of your grocery bill will automatically be donated to the animals at Fellow Earthlings' Wildlife Center every time you shop. Here's how it works:
  • You must be a California resident.
  • You must shop at these participating grocery stores:
    • Ralph's (southern and northern California only)
    • Food 4 Less (southern California only)
    • Cala Foods (northern California only)
    • Bell Markets (northern California only)
If you shop at Ralph's, Cala Foods, or Bell Markets please follow these steps to benefit the critters:
  • Request a free membership card for Ralph's, Cala Foods, or Bell Markets if you don't already have one. These cards are available at each store.
  • Email or call us with the numbers on the back of the card.
  • Provide us with your name and mailing address.
  • We will register your card number. Then, every time you "swipe" your card, automatically 4% of your grocery bill will be donated to Fellow Earthlings' Wildlife Center, Inc.
If you shop at Food for Less (southern California only) please follow these steps to help the animals:
  • Email or call us to request a free Community Rewards card.
  • Provide us with your name and mailing address.
  • We will mail you a card.
  • Every time you shop please remember to "swipe" your card. Automatically, 4% of your grocery bill will be donated to Fellow Earthlings' Wildlife Center, Inc.
With these wonderful programs you can provide "vittles" for the animals while shopping for your own. We look forward to hearing from you. Many thanks.

In Memory

Recently, and sadly, our human "Meerkat Mob" diminished. We remember these special people for their love of animals, their gentle natures, and their generosity of spirit. We were blessed to have had them in our lives. We miss them greatly.

We send love to the families who, in this sorrowful time, cared about the animals and suggested that donations in memory of their loved ones be sent to Fellow Earthlings' Wildlife Center. This caring and generous gesture touched our hearts. We thank you and we love you.

Lin Beirdneau

Roy Carson

Robert Kaar

Scott Kerber

Dick Rhodes

Marilee Robbins

Diane Smyth

News Flash!!
New meerkat enclosures close to ground-breaking ceremony

Our hearts are bursting with gratitude to our angel donors who are making it possible for us to build our new meerkat enclosures! We have already ordered and received the double galvanized welded mesh wire from Sheffield, England. Soon we will start excavation of the area we have targeted for the enclosures (maximum sun exposure being the most important factor, of course!)

We will build two large enclosures, side by side, with one shared service/entry area. This will enable us to take our existing three smaller enclosures and open them up into one large dwelling for one of our three meerkat families. We will then relocate our other two families into their own larger enclosures. By using our "Angel Fund" to build two larger enclosures rather than three smaller ones, each of our meerkat families will have THREE times the room to roam, dig, and play. Additionally, we will build each of the larger enclosures with the ability to "lock off" a portion of it in case a zoo is in desperate need of placing more meerkats with us.

Calling All Angels!

We will break ground in the fall when the weather is a bit cooler for us to work outside. Meerkats are extremely sensitive to their environment and they have established their current territories within the existing enclosures in close proximity to each family. Thus, we strongly feel, for the well being of the meerkats, we need to relocate the families simultaneously.

With this in mind, we will build both enclosures incrementally and simultaneously so they are completed and ready for habitation at the same time. With your love and support, we hope all our meerkats are soon enjoying their "new digs" and are ready to welcome visitors into their expansive new space.

Focus on "Rooster Cogburn"

Poultry in Motion

When the National Geographic production crew was at the Center filming the documentary called "Meerkat Madness" our little bantam rooster was relegated to his coop because the film's sound man didn't want him to spoil the documentary with any inappropriate "crowing".

However, the crew's field producer was smitten with Cogburn and asked me if I would take him out of his coop so she could hold him. I handed Cogburn to Marcia and, then, I was asked to join Boyd Matson, the host of National Geographic's Explorer, in the meerkat enclosures. I assumed Marcia would return Cogburn to his coop. She did not.

Cogburn couldn't resist sneaking behind the sound man and giving him a raucous "IT'S MORNING" crow. We surmised the "crow" was amplified by the man's sound equipment because his tennis shoes briefly left the ground as he ripped off his earphones.

The man pointed at Cogburn and screamed, "Crockpot or Coop! It's your choice, Pam."

Cogburn was put in his coop and the filming continued.

When the documentary was televised we were surprised (and amused) to see that Cogburn had made his debut on National Geographic, after all. We chuckled as we watched Rooster Cogburn streak across the screen directly behind Boyd Matson and the meerkats. Such a cheeky bird.

As we close our seventh edition of Paw Prints, we reflect on what has been accomplished, because of you, in the last two years. As the world changed in the wake of September 11th, donations to the animals increased and the Center grew. It is a testament to the caliber and generosity of our donors who took the time to remember and provide for our wee residents. Throughout history, animals have provided a much needed balance for humankind. They remind us of what is important - family and community. And, just by their mere presence in our lives, they bring joy and peace into our hearts.

"Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticism."

George Eliot