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 PAW PRINTS - Fall 2004

The Voice of Fellow Earthlings' Wildlife Center, Inc.


Greetings to our world-wide extended family from everyone at Fellow Earthlings' Wildlife Center! Fall is a special time of year here - the days are balmy and the nights are crisp. The leaves seem to turn gold overnight (yes, we do have fall colors in the high desert!) which signals all our critters - mischievous meerkats, cunning canines, frisky felines, and one very friendly fowl (Cogburn, our resident rooster) to begin getting ready for winter.

We humans have our own fall rituals: We run safety checks on all our emergency equipment such as the wind and propane generators, solar panels, back-up water tanks, and the propane and solar appliances. We also check the meerkats' heat pads, heat lamps, and Plexiglas wind shields to insure our little charges are snug and warm all winter long. We chose Morongo Valley, California for the Center's location because the climate is very similar to Africa's Kalahari Desert which is seasonally very hot and very cold.

These cold mornings find the meerkats lounging in their heated den boxes until quite late. In fact, we feel like hotel maids waiting for our guests to get up so we can clean the rooms! Suspended heat lamps warm the outside baskets which the meerkats tumble into as they emerge from their cozy sleeping dens. Creature comforts abound, but deservedly so, because these endearing, wondrous creatures enrich our lives and make us smile.

Jengo and Nalo wait for the bug delivery while relaxing in their new "Lazyboy" chairs.
© Denise Robertson

We have lots to share with you! Many thanks to our new adoptive parents. Welcome to the Fellow Earthlings' family! We are also enormously grateful to all who re-adopt yearly, thus, continuing the legacy of helping us care for the meerkats. It is you who enable us to provide the highest level of care for the meerkats that reside at Fellow Earthlings.

Tee shirt and book sales are booming - the proceeds from these items help pay for the meerkats' "Bug Bill." The photo below shows the employees of Gilead Sciences International Ltd in Cambridgeshire, England modeling our "Meerkat Motto" tee shirts.

Getting the Word Out
Public Relations
  • Recently, David Doernberg, the art director for the movie titled June Bug telephoned the Center. He explained that the film is about a family reunion set in North Carolina. One of the film's characters, played by Amy Adams, is a huge meerkat fan and the producer wanted her bedroom to reflect that interest. We loaned the film company tee shirts, books, posters, photographs, and statues to decorate the room. The film will debut at the Sundance Film Festival.
  • Our volunteer development director, Denise Robertson, was recently invited to speak to the Basin Wide Foundation, the Rotary Club, and the Landers Association. Her enthusiastic talk about meerkats prompted many local adoptions and visits from community leaders.
  • We were delighted to be included in the Joshua Tree National Park Guide which highlights the park's natural wonders and the points of interest in the area.

The motto on our tee shirts reads:
Respect the Elders, Teach the Young,
Cooperate with the Family.
Play when you can, Work when you should,
Rest in between.
Share your Affection, Voice your Feelings,
Leave your Mark.
© Fellow Earthlings' Wildlife Center, Inc.

Fur, Feathers, Paws and Claws
Center News
  • Our USDA inspector arrived at the Center for a "pop" inspection. We passed with flying colors and were again complimented on our high quality facility. Thank you, Dr. Adviento.
  • A Cooper's hawk now lives at the Center. He frequently surprises us by flying fast and low through the trees. This often inspires the meerkats to dash for the safety of their burrows. Of course, they are protected in their enclosures, but the hawk is providing valuable enrichment for them which keeps the meerkats "on their toes" and their sentry skills sharp.
  • The research department for the Kratt brother's wonderful television program called BE THE CREATURE asked us to help with a new show about meerkats. We'll let you know when it will be televised.
  • Kristen Perry, a Washington State graphic artist with international credentials, visited the Center for a second time. She designed our Adoption Portfolio and Certificate. Our Adoptive Parents frequently tell us how impressed they are with her work. We couldn't agree more! Her "Out of Africa" inspired Portfolio and Certificate are stunning. Kristen was featured in the October 2004 issue of ART SCENE INTERNATIONAL. Her career and art were highlighted in a multi-page spread. The first photo in the article (below) features the work she did for The Fellow Earthlings' Adoption Portfolio. Kristen is now putting the finishing touches on our new meerkat poster. You'll be dazzled! Kristen has done all the work pro bono because as she said, "I wanted to do something that would help the meerkats." We are tremendously grateful.

Denise showing some of her "meerkat items" after the Landers Association speech.

(Some readers may notice that the word "meerkat" is misspelled in the magazine article. Kristen explains the unusual spelling. "Because I like the meerkat for its loyalty, cleverness, and social behaviors so much, I chose that name. Unfortunately, all variations of the word were already taken on the internet and I didn't want to add "studio" or "art," but "creations" seemed quite suitable. "Kat" is also my nickname so "MereKat Creations" is now a synonym for 'just my stuff.'")


  • An Angel from Lake Forest, California suggested to her real estate agent that a percentage from the sale of a property might be donated to benefit the animals at Fellow Earthlings' Wildlife Center. Without even visiting, this fabulously generous real estate agent from Dove Canyon, California sent her donation to the meerkats. Thank you so very much. Now, please visit, so we can show you your donation "in action."
  • Matching Gift Programs - the animals continue to benefit from individuals who work for companies that match their employee's donations. Big thanks go to Microsoft, Edison International, Pfizer, Phillip Morris, and Amgen Foundation.
  • The "Vittles for Critters" grocery program has been a huge success. To learn how you can, at no cost, have 4% of your grocery bill automatically donated to the meerkats please click here.


    Now that the sizzling temperatures are behind us, we will break ground in November on the new enclosures which our Angel Donors helped to fund. We plan to have the project completed by late spring or early summer. Our operations manager, Phil Wallberg, will provide most of the free labor. We have personally and privately thanked each of you who gave so generously. Many of you have visited and were able to see the rolls of double-galvanized welded steel mesh "in person." Thanks to you, we were able to buy the best welded mesh produced. It is manufactured in Sheffield, England. The new enclosures will provide lots of digging room, rocks, tree limbs, and perches to create as natural an environment as possible. We look forward to introducing you and our meerkats to the "new digs."

    The area for the new enclosures has been cleared and is now ready to grade.
    © Denise Robertson

    The rolls of double-galvanized welded steel mesh from England lie quietly waiting to be unfurled and installed.
    © Hayden Harrison


    © Denise Robertson

    In keeping with our "Focus On" section, we would like to individually introduce you to all the meerkats that reside at the Center. Each newsletter will highlight one of our special little suricates, including information on why they came to live with us, their own special stories, and unique personality traits

    And so we begin with Suri...

    In Germany meerkats are called "erdmannchen" which means "Little Earth People." The name was derived because of the meerkats' ability to stand erect on two feet and because their social behaviors are reminiscent of our own society. So, please bear with us if the following narrative seems anthropomorphic to those of you who haven't yet met our "Little Earth People."

    A group of meerkats is called a "mob," and that word is particularly appropriate for Suri. Our little mobster arrived in this world on July 16, 1994 at California's San Diego Zoo. In his early years, Suri was a tough little ruffian. In fact, that's why he was placed with us. Shortly before Suri's arrival at our Center in October 2000 he started his last "rumble" with one of his former roommates at the San Diego Zoo. In the process, he lost a toe on his right front paw.

    "Mob rules" at the San Diego zoo and, thus, Suri was given a home here. At first, we were concerned he would continue his "mob boss" behavior, but it was "love at first sight" when he met Remi. From that moment, Suri lost his "wise guy" demeanor and became a model meerkat. In fact, he even patiently endures Remi's endless chatter and sassy behavior. Our little "Goodfella" has, indeed, become a good little fellow.

    Suri is an accomplished "construction worker" and spends hours digging and maintaining burrows for his "significant other." Often he's as grubby as a mud flap when he emerges from the underground labyrinth. In his leisure time Suri enjoys playing "hide and go seek" in a pillow case with Remi. When Suri hides in the pillow case, Remi will occasionally take advantage of the situation by standing on a log above the pillow case and jumping onto the hidden Suri. Remi seems to delight in the "oomph" sound he emits when she lands on him. Suri also enjoys sitting on a stool and gazing at the horizon. Because he looks so calm and wise as he sits on the stool, the volunteers have dubbed him the "Little Philosopher." We wonder if he's thinking about the mysteries of the universe or, simply, when the "bug truck" will arrive with his favorite "fast food" - crickets.

    Suri arrived at the Center with a big "kat-atude." These days, Suri has a heart as big as his bottom. We are blessed to have him.


    As we conclude this issue of Paw Prints, our hearts are full of love and joy - not only for the meerkats, but for our generous, extended family that does so much for the animals in our care. Through your gentle acts of kindness, you touch lives and serve as shining examples of the true human spirit. With your inspiration, the world may some day be one where all sentient beings, humans and animals alike, are treated with respect, love and gentleness. We look forward to that day with you.

    Yaaawwnn . . . . there's nothin' like a sunny day, a cozy chair, and a good friend by your side.
    © Denise Robertson

    Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened

    Anatole France
